Now available: Human-Centered Security by Heidi Trost!

How do you get your head around all the different machine-intelligent experiences available to you as a designer? What are the new design patterns, and which old ones fall away? How do you name and organize those experiences? And how do you develop an intuition for how and when to use each interaction paradigm?

Join Josh Clark and Veronika Kindred, authors of our forthcoming book Sentient Design, to explore the emerging diversity of AI-mediated experiences. Just as the natural world demonstrates intelligence in many forms, the same is true for machine intelligence. New “species” of interfaces roam our screens, the manner of each tailored to purpose and environment—copilots, agents, chatbots, assistants, tools, adaptive interfaces, and many more.

Sentient Design offers a framework for exploring and organizing these new experience patterns, or “postures”—the way each kind of experience positions itself in relation to the user. More than just distinct functionality, each posture has its own interaction style, manner of communication, and expectations that it sets.

Josh and Veronika will share over a dozen of these postures with you, from familiar options like dedicated tools to more exotic patterns including sculptors, bespoke UI, non-player characters, and data whisperers. They’ll give you a map for exploring these postures to expand both your perspective and your toolkit as a designer.