NEW BOOK! We Need to Talk: A Survival Guide for Tough Conversations

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In just fifty years, video gaming has transformed from a childhood hobby into a global $200 billion industry that is set to eclipse film and TV in both revenue and cultural impact. This meteoric rise has led The Economist to predict that “[w]hoever dominates gaming is going to wield clout in every form of communication.” Gaming franchises have expanded beyond just being popular products to become influential media brands that have cultural impact beyond the console. Legacy media firms and tech companies are responding by building gaming divisions or acquiring independent gaming studios in order to capture a piece of this new attention economy.

With gaming set to change how people consume media and engage with products and brands, what will this mean for the broader business landscape—and for UX researchers in particular? How should we think about understanding game players, their preferences, and habits?

Join Dane DeSutter and experts from leading gaming companies for an interactive discussion on how mixed-methods research and big data are shaping popular gaming products and company strategies and how we all might start to think about the gamer experience in our own industries.

Panelists: Natalie Gedeon, Deborah Hendersen, Cheryl Platz; Moderated by: Dane DeSutter