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Content Everywhere

content everywhere spot image

Strategy and Structure for Future-Ready Content

By Sara Wachter-Boettcher

Published: December 2012
Paperback: 240 pages
Paperback ISBN: 978-1933820-87-3
Ebook ISBN: 978-1933820-90-3

Care about content? Better copy isn’t enough. As devices and channels multiply—and as users expect to relate, share, and shift information quickly—we need content that can go more places, more easily. Content Everywhere will help you stop creating fixed, single-purpose content and start making it more future-ready, flexible, reusable, manageable, and meaningful wherever it needs to go.

Care about content? Better copy isn’t enough. As devices and channels multiply—and as users expect to relate, share, and shift information quickly—we need content that can go more places, more easily. Content Everywhere will help you stop creating fixed, single-purpose content and start making it more future-ready, flexible, reusable, manageable, and meaningful wherever it needs to go.


Table of Contents

Foreword by Kristina Halvorson
Chapter 1: Framing the New Content Challenge
Chapter 2: Building a Way Forward
Chapter 3: Breaking Content Down
Chapter 4: Creating Content Models
Chapter 5: Designing Content Systems
Chapter 6: Understanding Markup
Chapter 7: Making Sense of Content APIs
Chapter 8: Findable Content
Chapter 9: Adaptable Content
Chapter 10: Reusable Content
Chapter 11: Transportable Content
Chapter 12: Content and Change
Chapter 13: Towards a New (Information) Architecture


These common questions and their short answers are taken from Sara Wachter-Boettcher’s book Content Everywhere: Strategy and Structure for Future-Ready Content. You can find longer answers to each in your copy of the book, either printed or digital version.

  1. What do you mean by “content everywhere”?
    The way I talk about it, “content everywhere” doesn’t mean splattering your message in every corner of the Web. It’s about investing in content that’s flexible enough to go wherever you need it: multiple websites, apps, channels, and other experiences. Why? Because devices of all shapes, sizes, and capabilities are flooding the market, and users expect to get your content on all of them, which you can read about in Chapter 1.Right now, most organizations can barely keep up with their large, unwieldy desktop websites, much less multiple different sets of content for all these different experiences. Content everywhere is all about learning how to prepare one set of content to go wherever it’s needed—now and in the future.

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