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Validating Product Ideas

validating product ideas spot image

Through Lean User Research

By Tomer Sharon

Published: January 2016
Paperback: 344 pages
Paperback ISBN: 978-1933820-29-3
Ebook ISBN: 978-1933820-92-7

Want to know what your users are thinking? If you’re a product manager or developer, this book will help you learn the techniques for finding the answers to your most burning questions about your customers. With step-by-step guidance, Validating Product Ideas shows you how to tackle the research to build the best possible product.

Want to know what your users are thinking? If you’re a product manager or developer, this book will help you learn the techniques for finding the answers to your most burning questions about your customers. With step-by-step guidance, Validating Product Ideas shows you how to tackle the research to build the best possible product.


Table of Contents

Foreword by Benjamin Gadbaw
Chapter 1: What do people need?
Chapter 2: Who are the users?
Chapter 3: How do people currently solve a problem?
Chapter 4: What is the user’s workflow?
Chapter 5: Do people want the product?
Chapter 6: Can people use the product?
Chapter 7: Which design generates better results?
Chapter 8: How do people find stuff?
Chapter 9: How to find participants for research?


These common questions and their short answers are taken from Tomer Sharon’s book Validating Product Ideas: Through Lean User Research . You can find longer answers to each in your copy of the book, either printed or digital version.

  1. What is lean user research?
    Lean user research is a discipline that provides insights into users, their perspectives, and their abilities to use products and then gives this information to the right people at the right time so that the research is invaluable for developing products. Lean user research focuses on answering three big questions about people: What do people need? (See Chapter 1.) What do people want? (See Chapter 5.) Can people use the thing? (See Chapter 6.)

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