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Theme 2: Enterprise Team Journey

Teams Work How People Work

You’re part of a cross-functional team dedicated to creating an amazing product experience. You’re an essential piece of a larger puzzle. But how does your piece mesh with all the others? This first-of-its-kind interactive session will blend improvisation, audience participation, panel-style discussion, and more to explore the inner dynamics of cross-functional enterprise teams. We’ll illustrate a few best (and probably a few worst) practices, and you’ll walk away with a new found understanding for your colleagues and a renewed sense of ways to make the fit between your different roles clearer and more effective.

Participating in this session:

– Christian Crumlish, Head of Product, 7 Cups
– Jacqui Frey, Director of Design Operations, MailChimp
– Kristina Halvorson, Founder, CEO, Brain Traffic
– Jamie Janssen, Research Manager for Shared Rides, Uber Technologies, Inc
– Ramya Mahalingam, Associate Design Director, McKinsey & Company
– Adam Penly, Lead Frontend Architect, Capital One