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Prioritization for Leaders (2nd of 3 seminars) (Videoconference)

This is part 2 of a 3-part series on prioritization, led by Harry Max, author of Managing Priorities: How to Create Better Plans and Make Smarter Decisions.

Part 1 | Part 3

For executives, prioritization comes down to the ordinal list of what matters most. The challenge, however, is that they must deal with an array of competing imperatives: how to make money, use resources efficiently, pursue goals and objectives, satisfy existing customers or constituents, grow market share, hire and retain talent, manage unit cost economics, and so on. And pitting one imperative against another is tricky business. It’s a tightrope act. But leaving it to chance isn’t an option. Effective prioritization unlocks the latent power of teams. It supercharges strategy activation and taps the potential to align people to accelerate and get traction. Clear priorities enable change. This conversation will explore why leaders must prioritize at the right logical level to achieve their desired results.