Now published: Research That Scales by Kate Towsey!
Tiffany Cheng
Product Design Lead, Loopio

Tiffany kick-started her design career through discovering Geocities, Photoshop and simple front-end coding at a young age. Her Web Design hobby eventually led her to study Design at the York University / Sheridan College Program in Design. After graduation, she worked in various industries and companies of different sizes, such as FreshBooks, BMO Financial Group and Loblaw Digital.

Through her winding journey, she moved from a focus on aesthetics to building tools for people to use. She delights in solving problems at the intersection of services, design and business strategy. Tiffany is currently a Product Design Lead at Loopio. When she’s not wrangling ambiguous problem spaces, she’s raising a toddler at home in the midst of a pandemic.

Sessions by Speaker
Designing in a Pandemic: Integrating Speed and Rigor
Thursday, June 9, 2022 | 10:05am - 10:25am