Now available: Human-Centered Security by Heidi Trost!
Prabhas Pokharel
Co-Founder & CEO, Reduct.Video

Prabhas is an entrepreneur, design researcher, and computer scientist; he creates human-centered technology. He is currently the co-founder & CEO of Reduct.Video, which helps design researchers and strategists leverage the power of video storytelling to transform their organizations—so that everyone from the CEO to individual engineers can see & hear the human needs of their customers, first-hand. Prabhas studied Design Thinking with David Kelley at the Stanford, and was inspired to create Reduct while conducting ethnographically-inspired needs finding as a part of Stanford’s Design Thinking methodology. Before that, he worked with UNICEF to found one of its first Innovation Labs, and at the Earth Institute at Columbia University to create technology to further social development in the developing world.

He loves hanging out with his 3-yr old, (e-)biking, and playing the Sicilian defense ?

Sessions by Speaker
What Design Research can Learn from Documentary Filmmaking
Friday, March 11, 2022 | 9:30am - 10:00am
One Research Team for All – Influence Without Authority
Wednesday, March 9, 2022 | 9:30am - 10:00am