Experience the future of UXR at Advancing Research 2025
Charlotte Lee
Strategic Lead for CX and Innovation, Granicus

Charlotte Lee is an award-winning customer experience and human-centered design practitioner based in Washington D.C. In 2021, after 10 years of entrepreneurship, she joined Granicus as the Strategic Lead for CX and Innovation. She is driven by her own vision of a better connected, empathetic, modern, and trustworthy government service delivery for people all around the world. She has developed foresight from assisting senior government executives from over 15 federal agencies in designing, developing, and implementing their plans for digital transformation.

When she is not working to better connect governments with their constituents with her brilliant team at Granicus, she can be found serving as an industry advisor to the ACT-IAC Community of Interest, a Curator to the Rosenfeld Civic Design Community, and contributing what she can to Congressional modernization initiatives, where she feels technology can strengthen democracy.

Sessions by Speaker
Reflect and Chart Forward
Friday, December 10, 2021 | 1:40pm - 2:25pm
Theme 1 Intro
Wednesday, December 8, 2021 | 8:10am - 8:15am