Videoconference: Talent Acquisition and Our Responsibility

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June 16, 4-5pm EDT

So much of the work around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is intentionality. Recruiting should be happening at all levels at all times, at times latent and at times active. This is the work of an entire organization but as design leaders we can mandate this in our code of ethics. In the conversation we will talk about the ways to be and remain persistent and committed to building diverse internal communities.

Jackie Velasquez-Ross is a native Texan and graduate of Southern Methodist University. She began her career in San Francisco recruiting creative talent in advertising. She went on to recruit talent for tech giants and startups in SF, New York and LA. Previous to joining InVision, she championed diverse Design Leadership hiring at Instagram and Facebook. Currently, Jackie leads recruiting for InVision’s Product Design, Product Management and Engineering Leadership functions. When she’s not hiring talent, she’s drinking lots of coffee while chasing twin toddlers around Oakland, California.