Videoconference: The Feeling of Data with David Conrad

The age of data is well underway. But using data to make better decisions is not as simple as one might hope. In this session, we’ll take a look at some of the challenges that arise when we fail to build better data culture and what we can do as designers to fix it.

About our speaker:

David Conrad has over twenty-five years of experience leading design in digital products. He was recently the Head of Design at Arcadia, a platform fighting climate change with data. At Microsoft, he led design teams for Databases, Analytics, and Governance. Prior to Microsoft, David started Design Commission, a UX design agency, and also co-founded UI Stencils, a UI design tool company. David founded the Seattle Chapter of CreativeMornings where he helped bring local luminaries to the stage every month for over seven years. He lives near Seattle with his wife, two kids, two dogs, and many, many, fly fishing rods.