Videoconference recording available: “Digital Medicine Design” with Daniel Rosenberg

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Videoconference: September 26 11am ET, “Digital Medicine Design” with Daniel Rosenberg

Can a software only mobile solution outperform a pharmaceutical drug in clinical trials? Is it possible to create an app only available via a doctor’s prescription? The answer to both questions is a responding YES!

In this webinar, Dan will walk through several medical product case studies he has consulted on. The first is the WellDoc BlueStar solution for type 2 diabetes patients. BlueStar was the first instance of Digital Medicine invented. BlueStar received both an FDA class 2 certification and a prescription drug code for insurance reimbursement. Legally speaking this 100% software only solution is a medication. In clinical trials it has proven to reduce high-risk type 2 patients A1C levels by more than 1.8 points, outperforming many commonly prescribed medications. The second case study is Bigfoot Biomedical’s artificial pancreas for type 1 diabetics. It has completed its first clinical trial rounds but is not yet in the market. This solution uses an amazing combination of AI, big data and IoT embedded in the human body to automate insulin delivery 24/7. The primary UX resides on the patients’ phone. Interfaces for doctors and insurance companies will complete the end to end system experience including an innovative direct to patients supply chain. In addition to these amazing case studies this webinar will describe the similarities between digital medicine design and Enterprise UX. You will be surprised to see how much they have in common as well as what else you need to know to enter this cutting-edge UX domain.

About Daniel

Daniel Rosenberg is an adjunct professor of HCI at San Jose State University in the
Human Factors Engineering program. In 2012 he founded rCDO UX, a design and
strategy consulting firm. rCDO’s clients include both startups and publicly held
companies in the medical, consumer, and enterprise software areas. Prior to founding rCDO UX, Rosenberg was Senior Vice President for UX at SAP for 7 years and the Vice President of R&D for UI Design at Oracle Corporation for 11 years. Other corporate positions held include the role of User Interface Architect for Borland International and Ashton-Tate. While at Borland he designed the first Windows GUI for Borland C++ as well as many other early innovative product user interfaces for personal computers. Daniel has authored or co-authored many well known publications in the HCI field, including “Human Factors in Product Design” (Elsevier 1991), as well as chapters in the original “Handbook of Human Computer Interaction” (Elsevier 1988), “Coordinating User Interfaces for Consistency” (Academic Press 1989) and “Usability in Practice” (Academic Press 1994). He has served on the board of the
Interaction Design Foundation for the past 7 years and is also the editor of the “Business of UX” Forum in Interactions magazine. This year Daniel received the ACM SigCHI Lifetime Practice award for his cumulative contributions to the field over the past 4 decades.