Videoconference: Insider preview of Enterprise Experience 2020

During our May 28 community videoconference (4-5pm EDT) we will provide a live interactive preview of some “in development” material from the upcoming EX2020 virtual conference happening later this year (Aug 31 – Sept 3). We will have two speakers from one of our themes, trying out their talks, with provocations and reactions from you, our Enterprise Experience community. Melinda Belcher, who heads up the Content Design practice at Mastercard’s Tech Hub in New York City, will describe what it’s like to “boomerang” from in-house, to agency, and back again, with all the cultural and operational aspects. Sol Mesz, co-founder and Product Strategy Director at Kambrica, one of the leading UX consultancies in Argentina, will offer advice on how to hire the right UX consultant for enterprise projects.
We will also experiment with small group breakouts, and discuss ways to make a virtual conference truly engaging, with community value. Please join us!