Videoconference: Designing the team experience: Building culture through onboarding

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Why do some project teams work well, while others just can’t seem to get it together? Why do some teams have a strong sense of culture while others feel like a group of strangers working on the same task?

When a team comes together, whether it’s for a short-term project or ongoing long-term operations, a culture emerges: you can see it in how the team works toward common goals and how they interact with one another. Although you can’t force team culture, you can design for it. Through an enterprise project case study, we’ll look at onboarding techniques and methods that can be used to deliberately build strong team cultures.


About Tanya:

Tanya Snook is a user experience designer who builds citizen and employee experiences in the Government of Canada. Tanya is a founder and co-chair of CanUX, Canada’s longest running user experience conference. She is also the co-host of the Government of Canada UX Network. Tanya writes about user experience and design leadership at or you can find her on Twitter as @spydergrrl.