Upcoming videoconference: November 14 11am ET, “Designing Conversational Interfaces” with Greg Nudelman

Upcoming videoconference: November 14 11am ET, “Designing Conversational Interfaces” with Greg Nudelman
Calls are free for all community members. Join here for an invitation.

There has never been a better time to design conversational UIs! In this informal session followed by extensive Q&A, Greg Nudelman, the author of 5 UX design books, veteran presenter, and designer of conversational UIs on 5 different projects in a variety of industries will discuss key aspects of the conversational bot experience and conversational UI best practices. You’ll learn: how to pick the right bot framework, how to use basic building blocks of bot dialog (Intents, Entities, Dialogs) to create conversational UIs, and the key importance of context and channels (Mobile, Wearables, etc.) for shaping the conversational experience. We’ll spend the bulk of time on what is “right around the bend” in the near-future of conversational UIs. From practical tips you can put to work immediately, to inspiration for your next project, be prepared to come away saying “Bot Future so Bright, Gotta Wear Ear-Muffs!”

About Greg
Greg is the UX “Ombudsman of Innovation” with over 20 years of experience designing and building digital products and 86 conference presentations and workshops in 14 countries. Greg authored 5 books and 70+ articles on UX Design. His new obsession is making AI more resourceful and usable through better UX Design. More info at http://designcaffeine.com