Pre-launch tickets now available!

January 12, 2022

Pre-launch tickets to Enterprise Experience 2020 are now available!
Only 85 at our lowest price; when they’re gone, prices go up! Register now.

Enterprise Experience 2020 will take place in San Francisco, CA, June 10-12. We’re hard at work on the conference program which will revolve around four distinct themes:

  1. A New Kid on the Block: UX in Bricks-and-Mortar Industries: We’ll spotlight experience champions in the ‘bricks-and-mortar’ industries: manufacturing, education, healthcare, hospitality, construction, and other established verticals.
  2. Keeping up with Rapid Growth: From Startup to Enterprise: Kids grow fast; companies do, too. The startup you joined a couple of years ago is now a big place with new players, new rules, and often a new culture. You blinked, and the world has changed around you. Our speakers will address the challenges of keeping up with rapid growth.
  3. Through the Looking Glass: The Outsider’s Perspective on the Enterprise: When in-house resources can’t keep up with demand, we often turn to external help. Sometimes, such relationships are love stories that produce beautiful and successful experience babies. But sometimes they lead to tension. We’ll hear from consultant or agency ‘outsiders’ who know enterprises like the back of their hands.
  4. The Inner Change: Collaborating Across Silos to Transform the Enterprise: UX transforms enterprise products and services, and now we start transforming enterprises themselves. Cross-functional case studies were a huge hit at last year’s conference, so this year, we’ll offer new cross-functional collaboration and knowledge transfer from folks who have transformed not only a product, but also their company.

Hope to see you in San Francisco this June!

—Lou Rosenfeld and the Enterprise Experience team