Enterprise Experience: make the case, win a ticket!

January 12, 2022

In large enterprises, user and customer experiences aren’t the sole responsibility of UX designers and user researchers—just about EVERYONE in the enterprise plays a role.

Are you someone who cares deeply about enterprise experiences but are NOT a member of the UX “tribe”? Then please help us make a case to people like you about why they should care about and be involved in enterprise experience design.

Submit your talking points here; if we select one of your submissions, you will receive a free ticket to the main program of the Enterprise Experience 2019 (June 3-4, San Francisco). Deadline is April 26; thank you!

—the Enterprise X curators (Cindy Chastain, Uday Gajendar, Lada Gorlenko, Rich Mironov, Sam McAee, Dave Sifry, and Ellie Wu)