Videoconference recording: Evaluating the Maturity of UX in Your Organization with Susan Weinschenk

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Susan Weinschenk


Whether you are part of a start-up and therefore just starting in on UX in the organization, part of an established UX team, or anywhere in between, it can be useful to step back now and then and ask questions such as:

  • How mature is our UX practice?
  • Where are we “at” in the maturity process?
  • How would being more mature help us?
  • What is the next step for us?
  • How can we best, but also realistically, move forward?

In this session we will discuss these questions, share how to evaluate the maturity of UX in your organization, and how to move maturity forward.

About Susan
Susan Weinschenk has a Ph.D. in Psychology, and is the Chief Behavioral Scientist and CEO at The Team W, Inc, as well as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point. Susan consults with Fortune 1000 companies, start-ups, governments and non-profits, and is the author of several books, including 100 Things Every Designer Needs To Know About People, 100 MORE Things Every Designer Needs To Know About People and How To Get People To Do Stuff. Susan is co-host of the HumanTech podcast, and writes her own blog and a column for Psychology Today online. She has been interviewed for, and her work cited in media publications including The Guardian, Huffington Post, Brain Pickings, and Inc. Dr. Weinschenk’s area of expertise is brain and behavioral science applied to the design of products, services, experiences, and human interactions. Her clients include Disney, Zappos, the European Union, Discover Financial, and United Health Care. Dr. Weinschenk was a consultant on the Emmy nominated TV show Mind Field, and is a keynote speaker at conferences, including, South by Southwest (Austin Texas), Habit Summit (San Francisco), From Business to Buttons (Stockholm), and USI (Paris).