Videoconference: Unique challenges of innovation in enterprises with Laura Klein

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So many companies want to innovate in order to find new business models. But what happens when your company already has a business model? How do you disrupt your business model without destroying your business? Why would you even bother? Innovating inside an already successful company requires a new set of tools for overcoming internal resistance, not losing your current customer base, and knowing when to give up existing revenue streams. In this talk, Laura Klein, author of “Build Better Products” and “UX for Lean Startups” shares some tips for companies who want to find new business models before the old ones stop working.


About Laura Klein
Laura fell in love with technology when she saw her first user research session over 20 years ago. Since then, she’s worked as an engineer, user experience designer, and product manager in Silicon Valley for companies of all sizes. She’s written two books for product managers, designers, and entrepreneurs, Build Better Products (Rosenfeld Media ’16) and UX for Lean Startups (O’Reilly Media ’13), and she’s a frequent speaker at tech conferences, including SXSW, Lean Startup Conference, and Mind the Product. She is currently Principal at Users Know, a UX design consultancy, and works as a coach and adviser to product teams and startups.