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Design Beyond Devices

design beyond devices spot image

Creating Multimodal, Cross-Device Experiences

By Cheryl Platz

Published: December 2020
Paperback: 392 pages
Paperback ISBN: 978-1933820-78-1
Ebook ISBN: 978-1933820-49-1

Your customer has five senses and a small universe of devices. Why aren’t you designing for all of them? Go beyond screens, keyboards, and touchscreens by letting your customer’s humanity drive the experience—not a specific device or input type. Learn the techniques you’ll need to build fluid, adaptive experiences for multiple inputs, multiple outputs, and multiple devices.

Who this book is for

  • Designers working on nontraditional experiences like Amazon Echo Show, Google Home, wearables, VR, or AR.
  • Students of interaction design and those working in academic research
  • Technology enthusiasts outside the design world: product managers, solo developers, etc.

Key takeaways

Frameworks for thinking about human interaction, an overview of all current technologies from touch and voice through AI and VR, and instructions on how to explore and document your work.

Your customer has five senses and a small universe of devices. Why aren’t you designing for all of them? Go beyond screens, keyboards, and touchscreens by letting your customer’s humanity drive the experience—not a specific device or input type. Learn the techniques you’ll need to build fluid, adaptive experiences for multiple inputs, multiple outputs, and multiple devices.

Who this book is for

  • Designers working on nontraditional experiences like Amazon Echo Show, Google Home, wearables, VR, or AR.
  • Students of interaction design and those working in academic research
  • Technology enthusiasts outside the design world: product managers, solo developers, etc.

Key takeaways

Frameworks for thinking about human interaction, an overview of all current technologies from touch and voice through AI and VR, and instructions on how to explore and document your work.


Table of Contents

Foreword by Erika Hall
Chapter 1: Creating the World We Want to Live In
Chapter 2: Capturing Customer Context
Chapter 3: Understanding Busy Humans
Chapter 4: Activity, Interrupted
Chapter 5: The Language of Devices
Chapter 6: Expressing Intent
Chapter 7: The Spectrum of Multimodality
Chapter 8: It’s a (Multimodal) Trap!
Chapter 9: Lost in Transition
Chapter 10: Let’s Get Proactive
Chapter 11: Breathe Life into the Unknown
Chapter 12: From Envisioning to Execution
Chapter 13: Beyond Devices: Human + AI Collaboration
Chapter 14: Beyond Reality: XR, VR, MR, AR
Chapter 15: Should You Build It?


These common questions and their short answers are taken from Cheryl Platz’s book Design Beyond Devices: Creating Multimodal, Cross-Device Experiences. You can find longer answers to each in your copy of the book, either printed or digital version.

  1. What exactly is multimodal design, anyway?
    We define it in Chapter 1, “Creating the World We Want to Live In,” but think of it this way: multimodal experiences are experiences that can engage multiple human senses. Devices that let you speak or touch to make a selection. Twenty years ago, your PC (generally) only engaged you visually, and you only engaged your PC with touch. You have many more options today (see Chapter 7, “The Spectrum of Multimodality,” to fully understand all those options), but those options bring a lot more complexity to the design party [see Chapter 8, “It’s a (Multimodal) Trap!”].

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