Now available for pre-order: Design for Impact by Erin Weigel
Christopher Noessel
Author of Designing Agentive Technology and co-author of Make It So

About Christopher

Christopher Noessel is the Senior Lead Designer for the Embedded Business Agent AI with IBM. He also teaches, speaks about, and evangelizes design internationally. His spidey-sense goes off semi-randomly, leading him to investigate and speak about a range of things from interactive narrative to ethnographic user research, interaction design to generative randomness, and designing for the future. He is co-author of Make It So: Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction (Rosenfeld Media, 2012), co-author of About Face: The Essentials of Interaction Design, 4th Edition (Wiley, 2015), keeper of the blog, and author of Designing Agentive Technology: AI That Works for People (Rosenfeld Media, 2017) He is currently contemplating books about meaning machines and interfaces that improve their users.