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Shashank Deshpande
Chief Business Officer at Cubyts & Managing Partner at Pentathlon Ventures

Product Designer, Entrepreneur & Investor with 30+ years of experience in software products & services. Prior to Cubyts, he was running a startup fund – Pentathlon Ventures – investing in SaaS based tech platforms.. He co-founded Clarice Technologies that was acquired by NYSE listed Globant Inc. in May 2015. Prior to that, he set up a design consulting company – Quipus Design – that was acqui-hired by Veritas. Over the years, Shashank has gained significant experience in building design-centric business and has been very involved in sales & marketing in a global setup.

At Cubyts, Shashank drives the sales, marketing and investor relations.

Sessions by Speaker
Introduction to Collaborative DesignOps using Cubyts
Friday, September 9, 2022 | 10:30am - 11:00am
Introduction to Collaborative DesignOps using Cubyts
Thursday, September 8, 2022 | 10:30am - 11:00am