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[Demo] Stress-testing GenAI in user research synthesis

In this high-pressure scenario, the challenge was to conduct 17 user interviews in three days and synthesize a comprehensive report in just one additional day. I’ll explore how we used AI to streamline the research process, from transcription to synthesis, and how tools like ChatGPT contributed to efficient data processing and insight generation. We’ll reflect on the potential and pitfalls of using AI in accelerated user research, from practical aspects to more philosophical considerations on potential changes to the research process.


  • Practical insights into integrating AI with traditional research methodologies to expedite the research process
  • An overview of the effectiveness of AI transcription and synthesis tools in real-world research scenarios
  • Critical examination of AI’s role in data processing and how it compares with human analysis
  • Strategic considerations for service designers when employing AI to support rapid user research
  • Reflection on the ethical implications and potential impact on the quality of insights and researcher well-being when relying on AI to speed up research processes