Rosenfeld Media

People who design great experiences have relied on Rosenfeld Media UX bookstraining, and conferences since 2005.

Time Zone:

Join us for an engaging Ask Me Anything (AMA) with Rachel Posman and John Calhoun, the authors of the upcoming book The Design Conductors: Your Essential Guide to Design Operations. This book acts as a comprehensive guide to DesignOps that will teach you how to successfully advocate for, build out, scale up, and ultimately operate design organizations. Rachel and John will share insights from their extensive experience in the field and answer questions in this interactive session. Together, let’s explore how effective design operations can drive impactful outcomes and empower teams to achieve success. Walk away having gained valuable perspectives on the evolving landscape of design operations and the critical role it plays in delivering exceptional design solutions. Bring your questions about design operations and don’t miss this chance to connect directly with the authors of this must-read DesignOps book!