Rosenfeld Media

People who design great experiences have relied on Rosenfeld Media UX books, training, and conferences since 2005.

Figure It Out: Getting from Information to Understanding

Information is easy. Understanding is hard.

From incomprehensible tax policies to confusing medical explanations, we’re swamped with information that we can’t make sense of. Figure It Out shows us how to transform information into better presentations, better meetings, better software, and better decisions. So take heart: under the guidance of Anderson and Fast, we can, in fact, figure it out—for ourselves and for others.

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Liftoff! Practical Design Leadership to Elevate Your Team, Your Organization, and You

Liftoff! is your guide to leveling up as a design manager and leader. Its experience-driven approach—written by designers for designers—will help you hire and scale teams, develop careers, learn why diversity matters to your business, and solidify design’s role in your organization. Liftoff! will elevate your skills to lead your team and company to new heights.

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Orchestrating Experiences Collaborative Design for Complexity

Customer experiences are increasingly complicated—with multiple channels, touchpoints, contexts, and moving parts—all delivered by fragmented organizations. How can you bring your ideas to life in the face of such complexity? Orchestrating Experiences is a practical guide for designers and everyone struggling to create products and services in complex environments.

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The Jobs To Be Done Playbook: Align Your Markets, Organization, and Strategy Around Customer Needs

These days, consumers have real power: they can research companies, compare ratings, and find alternatives with a simple tap. Focusing on customer needs isn’t a nice-to-have, it’s a strategic imperative.

The Jobs To Be Done Playbook helps organizations turn market insight into action. This book shows you techniques to make offerings people want, as well as make people want your offering.

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