NEW BOOK! We Need to Talk: A Survival Guide for Tough Conversations
Liminal Thinking Cover

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Liminal Thinking

liminal thinking spot image

Create the Change You Want by Changing the Way You Think

By Dave Gray

Published: September 2016
Paperback: 174 pages
Paperback ISBN: 978-19338200-46-0
Ebook ISBN: 978-1933820-62-0

Why do some people succeed at change while others fail? It’s the way they think! Liminal thinking is a way to create change by understanding, shaping, and reframing beliefs. What beliefs are stopping you right now?

You have a choice. You can create the world you want to live in, or live in a world created by others. If you are ready to start making changes, read this book.

What is liminal thinking? Liminal is a word that means boundary, doorway, portal. Not this or that, not the old way or the new way, but neither and both. A state of ambiguity or disorientation that precedes a breakthrough to a new kind of thinking. The space between. Liminal thinking is a kind of psychological agility that enables you to success- fully navigate these times of transition. It involves the ability to read your own beliefs and needs; the ability to read others’ beliefs and needs; and the habit of continually evaluating, validating, and changing beliefs in order to better meet needs.

Why do some people succeed at change while others fail? It’s the way they think! Liminal thinking is a way to create change by understanding, shaping, and reframing beliefs. What beliefs are stopping you right now?

You have a choice. You can create the world you want to live in, or live in a world created by others. If you are ready to start making changes, read this book.

What is liminal thinking? Liminal is a word that means boundary, doorway, portal. Not this or that, not the old way or the new way, but neither and both. A state of ambiguity or disorientation that precedes a breakthrough to a new kind of thinking. The space between. Liminal thinking is a kind of psychological agility that enables you to success- fully navigate these times of transition. It involves the ability to read your own beliefs and needs; the ability to read others’ beliefs and needs; and the habit of continually evaluating, validating, and changing beliefs in order to better meet needs.


Table of Contents

Foreword by Richard Saul Wurman
Principle 1. Beliefs Are Models
Principle 2. Beliefs Are Created
Principle 3. Beliefs Create a Shared World
Principle 4. Beliefs Create Blind Spots
Principle 5. Beliefs Defend Themselves
Principle 6. Beliefs Are Tied to Identity
Practice 1. Assume You Are Not Objective
Practice 2. Empty Your Cup
Practice 3. Create Safe Space
Practice 4. Triangulate and Validate
Practice 5. Ask Questions, Make Connections
Practice 6. Disrupt Routines
Practice 7. Act As If in the Here and Now
Practice 8. Make Sense with Stories
Practice 9. Evolve Yourself