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A Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day

There’s a lot of excitement about Indi Young’s new book, Practical Empathy. In fact, hundreds of you pre-ordered it, and were looking forward to having their paperback ship today.

I got my copy last night, just ahead of you. I opened the package. Looked great—and I love that cover!



Thumbed through it. First chapter: cool, there’s one of Brad Colbow’s wonderful illustrations!



On to Chapter Two…

Where's Chapter 2??


Uh oh. Four does not equal Two. What happened to Chapters Two and Three?

And look, another Chapter Four. I mean, it’s a great chapter, but come on…

Oh no; another Chapter Four! 
Argh. You can judge a book by its cover, but it’s what’s inside that counts.

So here’s the situation: it looks like our normally reliable printer missed something. And, sadly, thousands of unsellable copies are now sitting in four warehouses in three countries on two continents. It will likely take some weeks to reprint the book, restock them, and ship paperback versions of Practical Empathy to you.

If you already pre-ordered the book, I’m very, very sorry for this situation. Here’s what we’ll do:

  • We’ll make the ebook versions (PDF, ePub, and MOBI formats) downloadable from your account today. Unfortunately, this is a manual process, but your copy will be downloadable before the day is out.
  • We’ll also email you a code to download another of our titles for free. It’s the least we can do.
  • And we’ll let you know when we have an ETA for sending you the paperback.
If you haven’t ordered the book yet, but want to, we have some good news: We’ll keep Practical Empathy available for pre-order until we can actually ship paperbacks. That means the 30% discount will continue for now.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us. We feel terrible about this situation, and are trying our best to fix it.

In the meantime, I’m looking to move to Australia.

—Lou Rosenfeld

Alexander know about bad days