Experience the future of UXR at Advancing Research 2025

Tickets to the Inaugural Advancing Research 2020 Conference now Available

Tickets are now available! Register now.

What makes the Advancing Research 2020 conference unique?

  • A research-driven conference: Practicing what we preach, we’ve designed the conference and its program based on two robust phases of user research, involving nearly 1,000 responses and analysis from over a dozen highly-experienced researchers.
  • A diverse, compelling speaker line-up: We’re carefully selecting speakers for their ideas and for the diverse perspectives and experiences they represent. 40% of our conference proposals come from members of under-represented groups; 17% come from new speakers.
  • Presentations that set the standard for quality: Once we select our speakers, we work with them iteratively over months to prepare and rehearse their presentations.
  • Our attendees shape and lead the industry: You’ll meet more research leaders, high-level research managers, and experienced research practitioners than you’ll find at perhaps any other conference.

Who should attend the Advancing Research 2020 conference?

  • Experienced researchers: People who conduct research projects, select methods and develop methodologies, design studies, and evaluate products and services.
  • Research team leaders and managers: People who select research tools and platforms, hire and onboard researchers, manage research operations, develop methodologies for their teams, and represent research in the C-suite.
  • Senior leaders, innovators, and strategists: People who have invested heavily into building cutting-edge research organizations.