Now published: Research That Scales by Kate Towsey!

Beyond Methods and Diversity: The Roots of Inclusion

Most efforts at advancing research to be more inclusive focus on methods or methodologies or participation. Though helpful, those efforts have unfortunately not been sufficient for inclusion and we continue to be constrained by stronger forces which go to the root of what research means and the definition of inclusion. To be fully unconstrained and reach true inclusion we must learn to let go. Do we have the ability to do that? Let’s talk about that. Join us for a half-hour of becoming undone, joyfully.

The Enterprise Elephant: A Chat with Milan Guenther

The fable of The Blind Man and the Elephant is a favorite here at Rosenfeld Media. But how does that apply to enterprise design? Lou sits down with Milan Guenther, co-founder of EDA (Enterprise Design Associates) and the creator of the Intersection Conference to talk about how this fable has influenced their views on enterprise design – and how its influencing the future of UX.

Getting to the “So What?”: How Management Consulting Practices Can Transform Your Approach to Research

As the first-ever user researcher at McKinsey, Megan Blocker pioneered the practice of UXR at the firm, establishing and growing the team to more than 50 researchers, data analysts, and data scientists. But “growing up” as a user researcher in management consulting meant she was unburdened by many of the expectations researchers face in more traditional contexts – instead, she was able to combine the best of management consulting with research and design practices to break barriers for how and where research was applied.

In her talk at Advancing Research, she’ll share how she applied core management consulting practices to her research work and how those same practices can help you succeed from study to study as well as when scaling research across your organization.

Harnessing AI in UXR: Practical Strategies for Positive Impact

Join Savina Hawkins as she presents a focused exploration of large language models in User Experience Research (UXR). This talk zeroes in on practical, actionable strategies for leveraging these advanced AI tools to enhance UXR outcomes. Savina will discuss the dual nature of large language models, illuminating their potential to both revolutionize and challenge UXR practices. Attendees will learn to identify and mitigate risks while maximizing the benefits of these models in real-world scenarios. The session promises a clear, concise roadmap for UX researchers to effectively integrate large language models into their workflow, ensuring positive, impactful results.

Animation for Better UX: a Chat with Val Head

As a designer since the early days of Flash, Val Head knows first hand how animation design has evolved to become a powerful tool for creating better user experiences. Hear Val’s insights from her book Designing Interface Animation––for how using motion to enhance your brand, and mobile UX.

Fireside Chat: How Design Addresses a World on Fire (Videoconference)

In this Civic Design Community call, we heard from Lesley-Ann Noel, PhD., and Jennifer Strickland, Senior Human Centered Design, Accessibility Engineer. 

Jennifer and Lesley-Ann chatted about how they approach equitable design through language, frameworks, tools, methods — and self-care. The conversation will cover how Lesley-Ann created The Designer’s Critical Alphabet, and introduce the new book she contributed to,The Black Experience in Design: Identity, Expression, & Reflection.

Exploring the DesignOps Definition: A Chat with Dave Malouf

Dave Malouf has worked with Rosenfeld Media to curate our EUX program, but did you know that he’s also active in the DesignOps movement? Lou sat down with Dave to talk about the emerging framework of DesignOps, and how it’s more than just design combined with operations.

[Case Study] Qualitative synthesis with ChatGPT: Better or worse than human intelligence?

Following the emergence of Generative AI as a potential revolution in the UX field, a great deal of AI-driven tools arose to enhance the efficiency of UX research, including data analysis. Qualitative data analysis is a process that conventionally relies on human intelligence to discern patterns, establish connections, and derive actionable insights and frameworks. Many studies have involved comparing the quality of qualitative analyses generated by humans with those produced by AI language models like ChatGPT (Hamilton et al., 2023).

Despite the undeniable appeal of automation and speed, there is ongoing debate about AI’s ability to replace human intelligence in qualitative analysis, which may be unlikely at this moment. Then the question is: To what extent can AI contribute to qualitative data analysis?

In this case study, I delved into the thematic analysis and post-analysis stage, i.e. synthesizing insights into a framework. Framework, in this context, refers to a conceptual structure that illustrates the components of a human experience and how the components interconnect and operate within the structure. It is a concise model that encapsulates the entirety of research insights.

The topic of my case study is “trust relationships between job seekers and hirers in the marketplace,, aligning with the business focus of my company. From my secondary research, I found that, ChatGPT needed multiple rounds of training using diverse prompts to conduct precise and comprehensive thematic analysis. ChatGPT can execute fine-quality thematic analysis under the help of right prompts, yet it falls short in replacing human intelligence for synthesizing insights and crafting frameworks for engaging narratives.

Its limitation lies in lacking the depth of contextual understanding within a company, such as understanding what’s missing from the company’s mainstream discourse to create a human-centered story based on data analysis. To craft a framework that conveys good storytelling and organizational impact, it requires the researcher’s introspection into knowledge gaps in the specific organizational context. Thus, the best practice is to combine human interpretation and AI production. In my talk, I will demonstrate several principles to guide this practice.


We’ll cover principles of how to employ ChatGPT in qualitative analysis, specifically focusing on its application in synthesizing and crafting frameworks that convey compelling and insightful narratives:

  • Effectiveness of ChatGPT in thematic analysis: Learn about my process of training ChatGPT to conduct precise thematic analysis. You’ll gain insights into the capabilities and limitations of ChatGPT in providing accurate and comprehensive analysis for framework construction
  • Value of human potential: We’ll address the value of human self-reflection and the ability of interpreting organizational context for crafting engaging frameworks
  • Comparison between human and ChatGPT: By comparing the human-driven outcomes against ChatGPT for qualitative analysis, you’ll see how effective the synthesized frameworks are generated by the researcher and ChatGPT separately.
  • Collaboration between human and ChatGPT: You’ll also learn when and how to incorporate human interpretation with ChatGPT to achieve the best practice in qualitative analysis and synthesis

Leading Teams That Execute: A Chat with Phillip Hunter

What does an interdisciplinary enterprise team need to focus on to ensure customer satisfaction? Lou talks with Phillip Hunter, Head of UX at Alexa Skills, about the unique challenges of growing and leading enterprise UX teams to success. Phillip Hunter is the Theme Leader for Leading Teams That Execute at 2017’s Enterprise UX Conference.

From Users to Shapers of AI: The Future of Research

Discover the transformative power of shifting from passive users to active shapers of AI in Tricia’s compelling closing keynote. Unveiling the insidious “User Trap,” Tricia exposes the pervasive sense of powerlessness entrenched in our tech-driven world. She champions a radical shift in the researcher’s mindset, advocating liberation from the confines of being “user researchers” to versatile professionals adept at navigating the complexities of human-tech interactions, especially ones that force people into becoming users. As AI tooling improves, Tricia envisions a future where human ingenuity stands as the cornerstone, complementing and enhancing the capabilities of advanced AI tools. In this world, researchers who can truly understand human beings, gather thick data, and communicate complexity and context-loss with clarity, will become even more indispensable.