From Ladder to Trellis: Building Flexible Career Architectures for UX Teams

2-day virtual workshop
September 26-27 2024, 8:00am-12:00pm PT

Standard HR-issued career development frameworks are too constraining for UX professionals, and can lower engagement, morale, and end up discouraging team members from sticking around.

In this workshop, Peter will share with you his approach to building flexible career architectures, enabling growth paths that respond to each individual’s specific professional desires. We will dig into building the four components of a career architecture:

  • Skills taxonomy and competency rubrics
  • Practices
  • Leveling framework
  • Role descriptions

You’ll walk away from this workshop with a detailed understanding of how to apply this framework to your organization.

Target Audience
Design Operations professionals (particularly those focused on People Ops); Design Directors and VPs of Design

Nothing specific, but attendees should come with a robust knowledge of the skills practiced within their organization, the distinct practices and roles, and their organization-wide leveling framework.


  • A clear skills taxonomy for your design organization, and a robust understanding of how to create a competency rubric for each skill
  • How to build a leveling framework that works with your HR’s standard expectations, but suits the needs of your UX organization
  • How career architecture not only informs professional development, but recruiting and hiring as well