Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Session 1a: Introduction, Overview & Grammar design layer
(1.5 hours)
- Intros and overview of the workshop structure
- Intro to The 4 layers of Semantic IxD
- Short break
Session 1b: Layer 1 – Semantic Grammar Design
(2 hours)
- What conceptual models are, and how they can improve the UI design process
- Benefits of conceptual analysis: object taxonomy, lexicon, task scenarios, object-model
- Object/operations analysis technique (a major part of designing a conceptual model)
- How to refine, prioritize, and optimize the CM to minimize users’ cognitive load and meet business objectives
- Review examples conceptual model for a few applications I have designed
- Hands-on exercise designing a conceptual model grammar for a simple app
- Review exercise results in class
- Wrap up and review of the session learnings
- Set expectations for next session with a mini preview