Request a Discount Code

Should I get a discount code?

Yes; we’re happy to make a unique code available for just about any purpose (speaking at a conference, podcast appearance, etc.). Please put in your request below, and we’ll email you the code.

When should I request a discount code?

The sooner the better. Please don’t wait until the last minute; we need time to create your code!

Where should I share my discount codes?

Aside from mentioning it in your presentation and including it in your own materials (e.g., your slide deck), please encourage whoever is responsible for other channels (e.g., podcaster, magazine) to include the discount code, as well as the cover of your book and other information included in your media kit. Additionally, you are welcome to share your discount codes in social media and your own newsletter. Please note that discount codes have expiration dates, and you should include that information along with the code.

Author Discount Code Request
The code will expire 1 month past this date, unless you request otherwise.
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