Brianna Sylver
President, Sylver Consulting

Brianna Sylver is the founder and president of Sylver Consulting, an international innovation research and strategy firm operating at the intersection of Market Research (MR), User Experience/Design (UX), and Strategy. Brianna and the team at Sylver support Fortune 1,000 organizations and city governments to confidently embrace change and future proof their offerings by illuminating the clear and focused paths to future growth.

Brianna has gained recognition for her contributions to the fields of innovation, Design Thinking, UX and consumer insights by the Product Development & Management Association (PDMA), HSM Management (Brazil) and the Qualitative Research Consultants Association (QRCA). She writes and speaks on topics such as the integration of UX and MR, innovation culture and transformation, civic and social innovation, blended hybrid research methodologies and entrepreneurship.

Brianna holds a BFA in communication design from the University of Buffalo and a master’s degree in human-centered communication design and design strategy (MDES) from the Institute of Design at IIT.

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