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Our new editorial advisory board


Sometimes I feel that my one and only superpower is convincing smart but busy people to take on yet more responsibilities.

Well, I’ve struck again!

I’ve pulled together a new crew of advisors to help develop the editorial agenda for our UX books—and to review our proposals: Abby Covert, Andy Polaine, Boon Sheridan, Dave Malouf, Sara Wachter-Boettcher, Steve Krug, and Whitney Quesenbery. You can read their bios here.

This rag-tag bunch is a mix of past RM authors with people who’ve written for other publishers and—gasp!—have self-published. (Another gasp: some aren’t authors at all.) They work solo, at agencies, and at large organizations. They represent many, if not most, facets of UX. All, at some point in their careers, have been crack UX practitioners. And, dammit, they’re smart and helpful and nice.

Over the coming years, we’ll continue to publish UX books that will help you do better work and, by extension, impact the experiences of millions of people; thanks in advance to our new advisors for helping us help you. And endless gratitude to our emeritus editorial advisors, whose thoughtful and generous assistance continues to benefit us all: Andrew Dillon, Dan Szuc, Dave Gray, Dirk Knemeyer, Ginny Redish, Harry Max, Irene Au, Jared Spool, Josh Clark, Kim Goodwin, Kristian Simsarian, Marc Rettig, Mike Kuniavsky, Nathan Shedroff, Peter Bogaards, Peter Morville, and Tony Byrne.