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Enterprise UX 2015

May 13-14, 2015 | San Antonio, TX

The Enterprise UX 2015 conference was dedicated to delivering useful, delightful, and humane experiences to people who work for and in enterprises.

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About #EUX2015

There are dozens of excellent UX-related conferences. Why did we produce this one?

Because enterprise UX problems are uniquely wicked ones, with overwhelming challenges of scale, complexity, and distributed decision-making, and intertwined with organizational behavior. Rather than teaching basic UX skills, like how to design responsively, Enterprise UX 2015 provided inspiration and models of success from leading organizations like GE, IBM, and Citrix. We covered how UX is practiced in these enterprises, and how in turn UX is changing the way those enterprises work.

Program Themes

Theme 1: Insight at Scale

Understanding enterprise “users” means observing and learning from people who are extremely distributed and specialized. Many—from CIOs to purchasing agents to call center reps—aren’t end users. At the same time, the enterprise may be hosting an abundance of diffuse, distributed data about these people. We explored how to do the right research and get the the right data within enterprise settings, and how to synthesize results from a variety of research activities taking place across the enterprise.

Theme 2: Craft amid Complexity

What design techniques and methods produce successful enterprise products and services? How do we move from focusing on delivering features to creating engagement and delight? We covered examples of effective design practices and innovative outcomes for enterprises.

Theme 3: Enterprise Experimentation

Lean and agile approaches are challenging to apply to cumbersome products with complex systems and release cycles, and diverse stakeholders. We’ll explore how enterprises are using and benefiting from experimental approaches.

Theme 4: Designing Organizational Culture

Organizational culture is the infrastructure of successful experience design. We explored strategies and methods for having better “organizational conversations” and ways to improve systems, governance and standards, communication channels, lines of business, and team and organizational structures—really, how to move entire organizations forward.

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