NEW BOOK! We Need to Talk: A Survival Guide for Tough Conversations

Advancing Research 2020

March 30-March 31, 2020 | Virtual

A new conference for people who do research

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About #AR2020

Are you frustrated with the state of UX research? Does it feel like things have stagnated? We have good news and bad news — and they’re the same news: you’re not alone. Many of the research leaders and senior practitioners we speak with are feeling the same way.

Advancing Research 2020 was the place collaboratively re-assess the state of the practice, consider the increasingly complex demands being placed upon research teams and leaders, and work together to define clear roles, set goals, and establish scalable solutions for achieving them.

Who was Advancing Research for?

Experienced researchers
People who conduct research projects, select methods and develop methodologies, design studies, and evaluate products and services.

Research team leaders and managers
People who select research tools and platforms, hire and onboard researchers, manage research operations, develop methodologies for their teams, and represent research in the C-suite.

Senior leaders, innovators, and strategists
People who have invested heavily into building cutting-edge research organizations.

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