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Corporate Training

On-site workshops taught by leading
user experience design experts

Have an acknowledged thought leader teach one of these 1-2 day courses,
tailored to your needs, at your office. (Typically taught for groups of 10-50.)

Want to learn more? Let’s talk.

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Expert Instructor Course
Whitney Quesenbery
Co-author of A Web for Everyone and Storytelling for User Experience
Accessible UX: Creating a web for everyone

Let’s get past the idea that checklists and compliance all there is to accessibility. The results are predictable: technical compliance instead of delightful experiences. Even worse, barriers to accessibility are often baked into the design and difficult to fix at the end of a project.

Carolyn Hou
Founder, Arlo Labs
Business Thinking for UXers

UX researchers and designers have powerful tools for understanding people, but their training often lacks key skills needed to navigate and influence the business environments in which they work. This workshop will give you the business acumen you need to amplify your impact within your own organization or your clients’ organizations.

Dave Malouf
Consultant, Coach, Teacher
Design Operations Essentials

Historically, design practices have focused on process, methods, and craft. But this limits design’s potential—design leaders can provide more value to their organizations by implementing robust DesignOps. In Design Operations Essentials, Dave Malouf will introduce participants to the three lenses of DesignOps, and how each one helps an organization increase the value it gets from its design practice.

Dan Mall
Founder and CEO of SuperFriendly
Design Systems and DesignOps

You might already be familiar with the “components” part of design systems, but what comes next? How are design systems best used by team members other than designers and engineers like product managers and content creators? What’s the best way to get them used by as many people as is appropriate? Who shouldn’t use a design system? What should success metrics look like? SuperFriendly founder and CEO Dan Mall will walk you through common design system pitfalls, how to avoid and escape them, and all the other intermediate-level stuff that everyone’s asking to help you see how they apply to your specific organization.

Peter Merholz
Co-author of Org Design for Design Orgs
Designing Your Design Organization

As a design organization grows and becomes more complex, designers are spread too thin and don’t feel good about the quality of their work. How best to work within cross-functional teams is unclear. Retention suffers as designers feel ineffective and their career growth isn’t being given sufficient attention. Recruiting and hiring practices aren’t filling roles quickly enough, leaving gaps throughout the organization. Design leaders can’t devote their energy to creative leadership as operational challenges take precedence. The user experience has lost cohesion as more and more isolated teams contribute to it.

Sophia Prater and Bram Wessel

Detangling Information Architecture with Object-Oriented UX

Many UX designers, product owners, and the people responsible for the digital world are facing incredible complexity. As they try to design simple front-end solutions for their users, the back-end reality of multiple databases, multi-level permissions, APIs, and content governance often seems impossible to tame. In this workshop, participants learn Object-Oriented UX, a methodology that helps wrangle that complexity into a tidy array of color-coded sticky notes. Participants will return to their organizations with a repeatable, scaleable, and collaborative tool for detangling—and visualizing—even the most convoluted IAs.

Jorge Arango
Information Architect and author of Living in Information
Information Architecture Essentials

More of our transactions and social interactions are moving online every day. People access these digital products and services using a growing variety of devices: notebook computers, mobile phones, wearables, voice-driven smart assistants, and more. Good experience requires that these systems be coherent and understandable. As a result, information architecture (IA) is more important today than ever before.

Daniel J. Rosenberg
UX designer, author and educator
Interaction Design: 10X Faster, 10X Better

Many designers jump to sketching and prototyping before they understand and define the application at a conceptual level (known as the grammar layer in Semantic IxD). The result is incoherent, overly complex applications with an order of magnitude more screens than necessary. The goal of UX Magic is to teach the Semantic IxD Method to enable UX practitioners achieve their objective with the minimum number of screens and the shortest task flows before the first UX sketches are even produced.

Cornelius Rachieru
Managing Director / Senior Strategist of Ampli2de
Mapping Service Ecosystems

This workshop will introduce the audience to service ecosystem mapping, and how the role it plays in identifying, diagnosing and creating intervention models to correct system-level problems.

Jim Kalbach
Design strategist and author of The Jobs To Be Done Playbook
Mapping the User Experience

Few organizations deliberately want to create a bad user experience for the people they serve, yet we see even the best-intentioned organizations doing it all the time. The fundamental problem is one of alignment: organizations are out of sync with what the people they serve actually experience. Misalignment impacts the entire enterprise: teams lack a common purpose, solutions are built that are detached from reality, there is a focus on technology rather than experience, and strategy is shortsighted.

Denise Jacobs
Founder + CEO of The Creative Dose
Master Creative Collaboration and Communication

Design better experiences for people by designing a better experience of working together internally. This workshop will teach you the creative collaboration skills you need to create products and provide services that go above and beyond your user’s and client’s expectations.

Cornelius Rachieru
Managing Director / Senior Strategist of Ampli2de
Modern Service Design Fundamentals

Service Design is an interdisciplinary approach that can dramatically improve productivity and quality, while continuously helping an organization remain competitive. Key to understanding this material is understanding that, at its core, service design is about treating experiences as a series of designed touchpoints, and visualizing how a person interacts with these touchpoints in order to achieve a goal.

Jim Kalbach
Design strategist and author of The Jobs To Be Done Playbook
Practical Jobs To Be Done

Learn core concepts of JTBD from a recognized leader through hands-on exercises so you can put techniques to work right away.

Whitney Quesenbery
Co-author of A Web for Everyone and Storytelling for User Experience
Storytelling for User and Customer Experience

Stories in UX are data shaped into a useful, compelling format to explore insights about the real people who use our products and services, and connect the dots from user research to the final product – weaving through early sketches, personas, and journey maps. In this workshop, you’ll spend the day working with stories, trying out techniques from word sketches to cartoons and storyboards and learn how to shape and share insights from UX research that keep design solutions connected to user needs.