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40% off everything through January 1


If you’ve been hankering for one of our books or webinars, 40% off is a great deal.

And if you’ve been furtively desirous of our entire collection, it’s an insanely great deal. That’s because we’ve just made the seven-book Rosenfeld Media Library available as a package, itself at a large discount. When you add the two discounts, the paperback+digitals price goes from $199.00 to $119.40 (that works out to $17.06 for each book in five formats, including a lovely paperback). The digitals-only price goes from $99.00 to $59.40 (or $8.49 per book for four digital formats, including ePub and MOBI).

To take advantage of this great deal, enter code HOLIDAY40 at checkout. This offer ends on New Year’s Day.

And speaking of the holidays, your friends at Rosenfeld Media wish you a great one!