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Why we’ve been so quiet


Normally, we here at Rosenfeld Media work really hard to engage with the user experience community. If you follow our Twitter account, you know that’s where we curate useful tweets from over 60 Rosenfeld Media authors and experts (and yes, we advertise our own books, workshops, and expertise there too). We usually post announcements here on our site from time to time, and put out a newsletter every month or two.

But for the past weeks, we’ve been mostly silent. Like a lot of New York City-based companies, Hurricane Sandy has been very hard on us. Us, by the way, is two people—you might be surprised to learn that Rosenfeld Media has only two full-time employees. One of us lives in Brooklyn’s devastated Red Hook neighborhood, which still has no power. (The other was fortunate to be away during the hurricane.) Needless to say, we’re operating at the bare minimum, making sure that the essentials get done: book order fulfillment, new book production, and taking care of workshop logistics.

So you won’t hear much from us for a few more days at least, but we’re still here. We will move forward with the two remaining stops in our fall UX workshop series (Minnneapolis November 12-14, and Toronto November 28-30). We do have two excellent books at the printer right now—Kevin Cheng’s See What I Mean and Sara Wachter-Boettcher’s Content Everywhere (you can get them and our next two books at a very nice discount). And lots of other good things are cooking that we’re looking forward to sharing with you once things get back to normal—or normal-er, at least.

In the meantime, please consider helping or contributing to any or all of these great causes—they’re making a big difference for those affected by Sandy, and you can too:

Thank you!