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Webinar news: Shedroff recording available, and price cuts


Based on tweets and early sales, Nathan Shedroff’s brand new book, Design Is the Problem, is making quite an impression. Nathan recently gave a Future Practice webinar on designing sustainably, and the recording is now available for purchase at the newly lowered price of US$69. (Here’s a 4-minute preview via BlipTV.)

For the same price, you can also purchase our other webinar recordings and learn from Luke Wroblewski, Indi Young, Christian Rohrer, and Bill Scott. And we’ve lowered the price of our upcoming live webinars to US$99 (or four for US$299). Speakers on tap are Kristina Halvorson (April 23), Ginny Redish (May 28), Jim Kalbach (June 16), and John Ferrara (July 16). Learn more and register here.