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Todd Zaki Warfel’s “Prototyping” now on sale!


It’s here! Well, technically, your copy of Prototyping: A Practitioner’s Guide is sitting in a crate in our fulfillment center in Ypsilanti, Michigan, awaiting swift shipping and tender handling on its way to your loving hands. Order your copy today to learn the ins and outs of this most practical design tool in a most practical fashion. Todd Zaki Warfel covers the gamut of prototyping approaches, from low-tech (paper prototyping) to high-tech (Axure and its ilk).

While you’re hemming and hawing, read what some really smart people think about Todd’s work, check out the book’s 100 illustrations via Flickr, and track what people are saying about #prototyping in Twitterspace.

And then please order your copy; it comes in one of two packages: either our lovely full color paperback plus a DRM-free screen-optimized PDF; or two DRM-free PDFs (one for reading on your screen, the other for printing).