Experience the future of UXR at Advancing Research 2025

Test an email client, get a free book


Our new newsletter, the Rosenfeld Review (sign up here), is just about ready to go. But first we’d like to test it out with a few common mail clients. If you use one of the following clients and can spend a few minutes kicking the tires of our newsletter, we’d be glad to send you one of our books in four sparkling digital formats (ePUB, MOBI, screen-optimized PDF, and printer-optimized PDF):

  • Apple Mail 3
  • Apple Mail 4
  • Gmail
  • Hotmail
  • iPhone 3.0
  • Outlook 2000
  • Outlook 2003
  • Outlook 2007
  • Outlook Express
  • Yahoo! Mail

In a comment below (be sure to include your email address), tell us which client you’ll test and what book you’d like. We’ll then send you the newsletter to test out (late this week or early next week). Thanks!

Important update (March 17): Oh, dear.

We goofed. (Well, Lou goofed.) We’d really only been looking for one person to test each email client. More than that would be a bit overwhelming. But we see now that we weren’t as clear as we should have been. And so you, generous UX folk, continue to offer to help.


We apologize. And to make it up to you, we’d like to offer a very short-term (and very high) discount of 50% off all of our products from now until Monday, March 21. Use code SNAFU when checking out. We hope this helps a little; again, our apologies for the confusion!