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Service outage affecting Rosenfeld Media’s site


Update, July 16, 2:30pm ET: All aspects of our purchasing process, including downloads and confirmations, now seem to be working properly. Please let me know (lou [at] rosenfeldmedia.com) if you find anything amiss; many thanks for your patience!

Update, July 15, 11:30am ET: Downloading seems to be working again, so you should be able to order successfully from our store. However, there still seems to be one more glitch: transaction confirmation emails aren’t being sent consistently. You will still see a confirmation page on the site once you complete your purchase, just not an email version of the same. Please email me (lou [at] rosenfeldmedia.com) if you need a PDF of a confirmation emailed to you. And thanks for your patience!


It’s a long story: our hosting service performed an “upgrade” performed on our dedicated server Saturday morning, followed by all sorts of problems. And today, they performed a reversion to our original set up, followed by… all sorts of problems.

We’re working on it, but if you wish to purchase a Rosenfeld Media book right away: as much as it pains me to say this, please buy it via Amazon.com for now. If you only want our books in digital format (unavailable via Amazon), or still prefer to purchase from us directly, please email me (lou [at] rosenfeldmedia.com) and I’ll send you an email as soon as we’re back up and running. (We’ll run an update here too.)

Until then, all good vibes, wishes, and prayers would be appreciated…