Now published: Research That Scales by Kate Towsey!

The Digital Journey: Research on Consumer Frustration and Loyalty

What drives customers to take the first step in their digital journey? What friction can knock their journey off-kilter or end it completely?

We surveyed thousands of consumers after they visited websites across multiple industries to understand how digital experiences can make or break customer loyalty – and ultimately, your bottom line.

In this session, you’ll see the results of our research and a data-rich deep dive on why website visitors fail to complete their intended missions, the barriers that cause them to give up, and where they go after a bad digital experience.

Craft of User Research: Building Out Jobs to be Done Maps

Join Sean Fitzell (User Research Manager), Sarah Han (Sr User Researcher), and Kayla Farrell (Sr User Researcher) as they walk through the process of creating effective and actionable job maps that are used to educate, align, and inspire.

Broad Strokes: Connecting Design, Research, and AI to the World Around Us

AI-based modeling plays an ever-increasing role in our daily lives. Our personal data and preferences are being used to build models that serve up anything from movie recommendations to medical services with a precision designed to make life decisions easier. But, what happens when those models are not precise enough or are unusable because of incomplete data, incorrect interpretations, or questionable ethics? What’s more, how do we reconcile the dynamic and iterative nature of AI models (which are developed by a few) with the expansive nature of the human experience (which is defined by many) so that we optimize and scale UX for AI applications equitably?

This talk will push our understanding of the sociotechnical systems that surround AI technologies, including those developing the models (i.e., model creators) and those for whom the models are created (i.e., model customers). What considerations should we keep top of mind? How might the research practice evolve to help us critique and deliver inclusive and responsible AI systems?

Research Operations at Scale

Research is an inherent part of design, and operationalizing how insights are generated and used is one of the more challenging aspects of design operations. Overcoming the lack of good tools, taming the complexity of research at scale, and navigating the world of different forms of inquiry are just a few of the obstacles to overcome. That said, we are starting to see a range of benefits from implementing research operations in modern design organizations.

Diversity In and For Design: Building Conscious Diversity in Design and Research

Enterprises like Compass need to design experiences for an incredibly diverse audience. These customers pose challenges to our ideas about happy paths and edge cases. How do we build tools for customers with such diverse needs and wants? And how do we build the right teams with the broad perspectives that can best serve these customers?

  • Learn how research can build diverse perspectives and backgrounds into user testing and other research methods.
  • Understand how designing tools for diverse and justifiably demanding customers helps make product design better.
  • Expand our notions of diversity both within the enterprise and with all the customers that the enterprise serves.

The Heart and Brain of the AI Research

As a designer research working on Conversational AI products, I’ve been collaborating with AI Researchers (Computer Scientists) and ML engineers. The cross-pollination of our two research disciplines – i.e., I bring my design thinking, storytelling, qualitative research and thick data analysis lens, while the Computer Scientists bring their logical reasoning, modeling and coding, and big data analysis lens – has resulted in a much smarter and more empathetic AI product, as well as innovations in the Cognitive AI domain. I’ll share three use cases of how we human researchers collaborate with the AI researchers and the lessons learned.

How Atlassian is Operationalizing Respect in Research (Videoconference)

In 2020, the Atlassian Research Operations team is shipping a program of work to deliver respect in research. From gaining informed consent to handling personal data, Theresa Marwah and her team are putting systems and practices in place to respect the privacy of their participants and exceed regulation.

Say ‘Wework Research’ Five Times Fast: a Chat with Tomer Sharonv

The Brilliant Tomer Sharon talks to Lou about his approach to research, the value of culture and process over deliverables and the emerging off-screen frontier of UX design.

Compass 101: Growing Your Career In A Startup World

Let’s talk about design careers–and about doing design work under the influence of just the right amount of caffeine. These Compass design leaders guide you through a discussion of a day in the life of product designers at a fast-growing enterprise. And they’ll also talk about their journeys getting there.

  • Hear about design and career opportunities in a technology company that is bringing meaningful disruption to real estate.
  • See what it’s like to design beautiful productivity tools for real estate agents and an industry that seems to thrive on complexity.
  • Get insight into how your own career path is reflected in the many paths that lead to good product design.

The Past, Present, and Future of DesignOps: a 2-part DesignOps Community Call (Part 1) (Videoconference)

If you’ve been wondering just how DesignOps has evolved to its current state, where it’s going, and how you can influence its future, you won’t want to miss our upcoming two-part series of DesignOps community calls. It’s your chance to learn from expert panelists and participate in a community exercise centered around mapping out the practice of DesignOps.

Esteemed emeritus DesignOps curator Dave Malouf and emcee Meredith Black provide a firsthand account of the trends and factors that have influenced the direction of the practice over the past five years. We then begin working on our own mapping of DesignOps as a community, led by curator Farid Sabitov.