Now published: Research That Scales by Kate Towsey!

Three Years Out: Perspectives on the Near-Term Future of User Research (Videoconference)

We know how things are at the start of 2024, and the long term future? That’s anyone’s guess. But what might the not-so-distant future look like for User Research? That’s a horizon that’s just around the corner—and one that you start planning for now. Join us for a free discussion with some UX research thought leaders who have some opinions you’ll want to hear about the near future of our profession—and bring your own! We’ll be hearing from Sam Proulx of Fable, Lija Hogan of UserTesting and Milan Mijatovic; moderated by Lou Rosenfeld.

This Talk is Sponsored by Fable, an #AR2024 Virtual Sponsor.


Cultivating Business Partnerships to Grow Research Ops (Videoconference)

The landscape of Research Operations is vast, and there is no “easy button” for organizations implementing a successful practice. So how do you multiply your effectiveness and increase your impact in a scalable way? Whether you’re a team of one or twenty-one, cultivating relationships across the business is critical in these days of interconnectedness. In this session, Noel Lamb shares examples of how you can get your company to invest in helping you build your Research Ops program.

New Methods for Remote Research Synthesis

With the increasing number of teams working remotely, conducting research with customers face to face, has become an impossibility. We’re all now involved in a unique experience of navigating and adapting UX research in the current times. This includes COVID-safe research, remote testing tools and techniques, and virtual participant management. In this short session we’ll talk about how we at Optimal Workshop have seen the research world change and give participants a contextual demo of how Optimal Workshop Reframer tool is fit for the task.

Watch the session recording

Transforming Strategic Research Capacity through Democratization

What do you do when you have 8x more designers than user researchers in an organization? Learn how we empowered designers to conduct local-level evaluative research, gave researchers more time to work on global, strategic research, and transformed our user research delivery practice. We will share what key ingredients made our transformation possible and what pitfalls to avoid when bringing research democratization to your own organization.

Designing Accessible Research Workflows

What makes us human in human centered design? How can we optimize our workflows to respect our participants?

Phil will talk through his experiences of creating inclusive research workflows which respect participants rights and agency and how they’ve managed to operationalize and scale them for hundreds of researchers around the world.

Humanizing AI: Filling the Gaps with Multi-faceted Research

Artificial intelligence (AI) has graduated from science fiction to commoditized widget form, readily able to snap into many processes of daily life. Hence, enterprises of all maturity levels are increasingly eager to explore AI’s roles in their innovation, or outright survival strategies. Concurrently, ethical and responsible development and execution of AI-based solutions will increasingly become critical for purposes of safety and fairness. Ensuring that AI proliferates along the right path will require the infusion of multi-faceted research activities along the entire AI lifecycle. We will discuss the challenges and opportunities regarding this topic in this presentation.

UX Research Trends (Videoconference)

The world of UX Research has evolved and changed rapidly. As businesses wake up to the power of understanding customers as human beings and using those learnings to make smarter decisions, the demand for these valuable insights has grown exponentially. So, how does the practice of UX Research adapt to this demand? How can we accommodate our stakeholders and teams while maintaining the integrity of research?

How to Empower Your Designers to Do Good Research – And Why You Want To

Designers are the driving force in today’s user research landscape. In this workshop, Prayag Narula, CEO & Co-Founder of Marvin, will discuss how good design is a competitive advantage that enhances the customer experience when you embed research into your process. Learn how design teams can use the tools and methodologies of trained researchers so the whole company benefits from a collaborative and repeatable approach to research.

The Future of UX Research (Videoconference)

Monty Hammontree will share his take on the future of User Experience Research and how that extends out beyond traditional UX researchers to everyone trying to bring the customer to the forefront of decision making—to everyone striving to be customer connected and data-driven.  It extends out beyond traditional research roles to everyone involved in the product making process, such as, Designer, Product Managers, and Software Engineers. He believes the heart and soul of the future of user research as a discipline lies not in trying to create a dynamic where, “the few endeavor to learn on behalf of the many but rather lies in expanding the role to focus on empowering the many to learn.”

Efficiently Scaling Research as a Team of One

In this Q&A session, you’ll hear how former clinical researcher and PhD scientist, Clemens Janssen, is running research at 15x speed, supporting the needs of Nutrisense, an health tech company. As the first researcher, Clemens will share how he’s built a research culture with training, standardized processes, and templates.