Now published: Research That Scales by Kate Towsey!

The Power of Care: From Human-Centered Research to Humanity-Centered Leadership

What is the role of care in user research? Why is care the greatest superpower of user research researchā€”not only in what we do but how we lead? In this talk, Etienne discusses the importance of inclusive leadership and shares lessons on leading through care. This session will help researchers leverage their research strengths for leadership as individual contributors, team leads, and people managers alike.

Empowering Communities Through the Researcher in Residence Program

We are excited to welcome Xenia Adjoubei, Research Specialist in territorial analysis, sustainability and emergent tech, and Associate Director at Studio intO to our upcoming Advancing Research session on Wednesday, 29 March at 9:45am-10:15am.

Xenia will share her insights and experiences on a range of topics, including the power of community-led research, the democratization of knowledge, and the impact of new-old tools in promoting social good.

Her talk will be an engaging and thought-provoking exploration of the role of research and innovation in addressing humanitarian crises and promoting social justice. We invite you to join us for this inspiring and informative event, and to be a part of the conversation about the future of research and innovation in our communities.

Insights and Interventions with Jill Fruchter

Jill has been listening to customers and clients for over 20 years. She has worked for organizations like Etsy and Blue Apron, and has since started Field Notes Consulting, a research and strategic planning practice serving both public and private sectors. She is method-agnostic, harnesses full-stack research, and interrogates all data to get to the real data or the root cause.

While hard data and numbers are important, data alone does not equal insight. Making sense of the data often requires listening to customers, human-scale frameworks of things like journeys and experience mapping, and, of course, minimizing researchersā€™ biases. Itā€™s often the outside-in perspective that brings it all together to give us insight that will highlight consequences and implications.

Jill is a champion of what she calls ā€œinterventionsā€ and doing interventions across silos. She shares an example from her time at Blue Apron that beautifully illustrates how one research silo can lose direction without insight from other silos.

Some interventions Jill recommends include:
ā€¢ Remember that everyone in the organization is on the same team and after the same goal
ā€¢ Encourage observation
ā€¢ Bring cross-functional teams together
ā€¢ Fit KPIs and OKRs in the story of the user

Jill will be leading a session, ā€œInconvenient Insights: The Researcherā€™s Role is to Stay Curious,ā€ and a workshop, ā€œHolistic Insights: Collapsing Functional Silos for Maximum Impactā€ at the Advancing Research Conference March 27-29, 2023.

What youā€™ll learn from this episode:
ā€¢ How Jill defines insight and why it wonā€™t be uncovered from hard data alone
ā€¢ How ā€œinterventionsā€ across silos can help everyone in the organization win
ā€¢ A taste of what Jill will cover in her talk and workshop at Advancing Research 2023

Quick Reference Guide
[00:00] Introduction of Jill
[01:50] Jillā€™s role at Advancing Research Conference March 27-29th, 2023
[02:27] Jillā€™s love-hate relationship with data
[07:25] How we get insights from data
[09:36] Lessons from Blue Apron
[14:13] How to perform or support interventions
[21:54] On interventions outside your area of expertise and considering the interconnectivity of the entire organization
[30:43] Looking back on information and library science school
[34:52] Jillā€™s book recommendation
[36:49] Jillā€™s session and workshop at the upcoming Advancing Research Conference in March

What Did I Miss? The Hidden Costs of Deprioritizing Diversity in User Research

Characteristics like race, ethnicity, gender, and disability status can have a significant impact on how we experience the world, and how the world experiences us. In UX research, diversity is the first thing to vanish from the recruit when the going gets tough; I will talk about what we miss when that happens, and what researchers can do about it in their own practice. This presentation will demonstrate why a diverse recruit is imperative for a strong user research study, provide examples of what we miss when the recruit is homogeneous, and offering tactics for addressing the issue.

From Passion to Execution: A Story of Evolving Research Maturity at LinkedIn

One of the hardest parts of building a knowledge management system is getting leadership buy-in and getting your team to use it properly. Join Kevin and Sarah to learn about their journey from passion-fueled side project to research-only management to fully funded knowledge/project/insights management initiatives (including an on-staff research librarian!). In this talk you will hear real-world examples of how they struggled to show how this was one of the most important things to be doing. They will share examples of how one team is leveraging the work to scale their research capabilities and provide rapid evaluation for the entire company. You will also hear about the accelerated growth and value that has come from connecting their system with the greater design org and even product management. Through all of this they will share actionable takeaways on how to show value early, what not to do, and how to use a system to amplify your teamsā€™ work across the organization and help your Ops team scale.

Bridge Building across Research Disciplines (Videoconference)

DespiteĀ all theĀ recent focus on getting the different research disciplines to collaborate, itā€™s hard enough to simply get them to talk. In this Advancing Research community call, weā€™ve assembled an impressive group of cross-disciplinary researchers to discuss the challenges of aligning goals, language, and insight across research practices: Jamika Burge, Jem Ahmed, and Chris Geison. Collectively, they represent a variety of research perspectives, ranging from HCI and market research to UX research and data science.

Why I Left Research

After 7 years of working in UX Research Leadership roles, Lisanne left the field behind to return to education. In this talk, she will discuss the significant challenges she faced as a Black woman in UX leadership that ultimately culminated in a leave of absence and then subsequent decamping from the field. The retention rate for WOC researchers is low in the field, and there is an inherent need to understand what are some of the root causes and what can be the potential solutions to retain and potentially re-engage more WOC researchers whose perspectives, experiences, and expertise are needed in this field.

A Research Skills Evolution

How do we advance our professional practice, and decide where we invest in ourselves and our team? We start with a clear look at how our work is situated in the organization, and what it takes to build real impact through research. In this talk, Dave will walk through the core skill areas that researchers and research teams need to succeed in modern organizations, as developed from workshops involving almost 500 research practitioners. We will see how those skills evolve and support each other over time, and gain a new tool to ‘map’ a systems-view of professional growth, for individuals and for teams.

The Joys and Dilemmas of Conducting UX Research with Older Adults

The pandemic may have accelerated older peopleā€™s use of digital tools for socializations and spending, but there are limits to what some older people are comfortable doing online. When last springā€™s mad dash to schedule COVID vaccine appointments stretched some seniorsā€™ tech abilities, ā€˜Vaccine angelā€™ groups stepped in to fill the gap. The digital divide and low tech literacy among older adults needs to be addressed as an opportunity, rather than a lost cause.

This session will offer a set of practical tips for conducting UX research with older, less tech savvy adults.

How Research Can Drive Strategic Foresight

Did you know that the terms “bureaucracy” and “information worker” were both invented by sociologists, long before either thing existed? Did you know that the 2008 crash was accurately predicted by an anthropologist? Many people don’t realize that social research drives robust foresight. This is the kind of value even a very junior UX researcher can contribute. In this talk, Sam Ladner will describe how researchers can sift and track weak signals, how to create trend reports, and how to predict areas of change.