Now available: Human-Centered Security by Heidi Trost!

Register for a workshop, get $350 Loop11 project!


There’s yet another awesome deal for attendees for our Spring 2012 UX Workshops!

When you register for our workshops you’ll receive a free project (with no limits on tasks and questions) from our sponsor, Loop11, to conduct your own online usability study (normally priced at $350).

Here are the details:

  • You’ll get quantitative usability metrics based on hundreds of participants
  • You’ll know whether your users can complete they key tasks they come to your website for
  • You’ll find where there are usability problems with your website

What you’ll get with Loop11:

  • One full scale project with no limit on the number tasks and questions
  • Up to 1,000 participants

This offer is good when you register for any of our spring workshops: Mountain View (March 5-7), Washington DC (May 7-9), and New York (May 23-25).

Thanks, Loop11!