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Our books are now Kindle-friendly


From the moment we started publishing, we offered digital editions of our books. At first, if you purchased directly from us, we included a screen-optimized PDF that you could download and use immediately. Then we started offering printer-optimized PDFs for people who’d prefer to print our books themselves, rather than pay and wait for a paperback to be shipped. Earlier this year we started offering ePub editions for use on iPads, iPhones, and Android devices. And now, at your request, we’re pleased to provide Kindle-compliant MOBI versions of each of our books.

Whew! Let’s hope that the sands of digital publishing will stop shifting beneath our feet for, oh, the next six months at least. Doubtful, but one can hope.

If you purchased any of our book packages since October 20, when we put our new packages and pricing in place, just log on and you should see the MOBI version patiently awaiting your download. If not, we’re offering a reasonably-priced upgrade for US$9; just contact us and we’ll help you out.