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Now on sale: Nathan Shedroff’s “Design Is the Problem”


Great news! Design Is the Problem: The Future of Design Must be Sustainable is now shipping. By providing designers of all stripes a clear path toward baking sustainability into their thinking and their work, Nathan Shedroff has done all of us—in the broadest sense—a wonderful and necessary service. It’s fair to claim that this book will change the way you design. Learn more from the book site, or read Core 77’s interview with Nathan and book excerpt.

With sustainability in mind, we’ve modified our digital publishing approach for Nathan’s book (and will do so with our future titles): we now bundle (@US$22) the traditional screen-optimized version together with a new printer-optimized version. So if you prefer to print it yourself, rather than ship it from the US, you can do so with this new toner-gentle edition. Or you can purchase the paperback book together with the screen-optimized digital edition for US$36. (FYI, our paperbacks are full-color and printed on high quality stock; our digital editions are DRM-free PDFs.)