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Now on sale: A Web for Everyone


650 million, or 10% of humanity. That’s the UN’s estimate about how many people have a disability of some kind. Yet many sites simply don’t work for these users.

20-a-web-for-everyoneThat’s why we’ve just released A Web for Everyone: Designing Accessible User Experiences, by Sarah Horton and Whitney Quesenbery. It will help you get your arms around an issue that may already be nagging away in the back of your mind. And you may be pleasantly surprised to find that design and accessibility aren’t a zero sum game.

Dana Chisnell puts it best: she says that A Web for Everyone “changes the discussion from how to meet accessibility requirements to thinking of accessibility as a driver for innovation and exellent user experience design.”

Have a gander at the table of contents, its FAQ, an excerpt, Aaron Gustafson’s foreword, and testimonials from Steve Krug, Karen McGrane, and other smart people. Then please consider picking up a copy—from us (your purchase will include 4 DRM-free formats: ePUB, MOBI, PDF, and DAISY), or from Amazon.